Wednesday, August 5, 2009


texas-dreary image


texas-dreary image

Friday, July 17, 2009

Cecily, here are some of the Zavala images I found, using Bing, the new Microsoft Search engine.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Sam Houston Illustrations

The new Sam Houston essay is actually a combination of Sam Houston (new) and Lorenzo de Zavala old. The old Zavala sketch will go, and possibly even the image at the front of the essay. But we need a new initial essay showing Houston and Zavala, and maybe a later Houston picture. I am sending you the current draft of the essay -- which I hope to finish by tomorrow night.

I am particularly eager that we have Houston image(s) that suggest his frontier ruggedness and his friendship with the Cherokees.

On images, first I find this a handy article on locating. Quick Online Tips lists 15 top image search engines. Go here and check the sites they recommend.

I have selected the ones that I think will be most useful and suggestive:

This is a basic picture of the dignified, and somewhat older, Houston:

Likewise this one:

Here he is in Cherokee garb, which he wore often when he was with the Cherokee in Arkansas and again in Washington, D.C., when he represented them:

Here is another shot of him in Cherokee dress. You can see that it was a popular theme:
Finally this is a political cartoon of him standing up against two Mexican generals, Cos and Santa Anna. Again, he is in Cherokee dress:
His great battle, and the culminating event in my essay was his fight against Santa Anna at San Jacinto. Here is a famous picture of him on horseback there in the midst of the battle:
Finally, this is a famous picture of Santa Anna surrendering to him at San Jacinto. Houston was wounded and is lying up against a tree.